Monday, December 10, 2012

An Email From Etavonni

(Mrs. Bond, Can you cut and paste this into the blog I set up on your computer.  I am not sure how I can get into the account.)  

I searched for Mrs. Bond's computer, but I think she took it home.  Luckily I was able to use the computer in the classroom.  Unfortunately I couldn't get to my blog that I created on Mrs. Bond's computer.  So, I problem solved and signed up for a Gmail account!  You can now find me at!  

Weekends at Glengary are so very quiet!  No one is in the building and it gets really cold.  I have enjoyed looking out the window and watching the birds and squirrels.  I did see some kids playing outside too.  I am looking forward to having Team Bond back in class on Monday. I think they are going to work on their wreaths more, which should be pretty.  I am not sure where I put my wreath.  Maybe I will get a chance to finish mine too! 

 I hope the kids do the teamwork challenges again too.  It was super cool watching them try to make a pyramid of cups using rubber bands and strings.  I really did see a lot of great cooperation from the teams.  I couldn't believe that Lucas came up with the perfect way to do it right off the bat.  He must be a great thinker!  

I have enjoyed learning about Science the most.  Mrs. Bond said that the color red travels the fastest to eyes.  I am dressed all in I bet the kids can spot me right when they walk in the classroom.  Perhaps I should hide better.  The students also explored how different colored lights make colors look different.  Most lights, like flashlights or ceiling lights are white light.  That means they are carrying all colors of lights.  When we see certain colors, that means those colors are being reflected back to our eyes.  That is such a weird concept.  When things appear black, all of the colors are being absorbed.  The kids did explorations with gel color overlays, flashlights, colored cubes, and cardboard tubes.  They also watched a video on color and light. I think they are getting ready for one of the BA things again.  

A highlight of the week was watching the kids create snow globe holiday cards.  They are participating in a Holiday Card Exchange with classes from all over the United States and Canada.  They have already received 3 cards.  One of the cards is from a classroom in Wisconsin that has Senator Paul Ryan's daughter.  Mrs. Bond thought that was pretty cool!  Most of the class got their card done, but some still have not finished.  Some of the kids really struggled with adding the address on their envelope.  I wonder if their parents have ever let them address an envelope.  Perhaps Mrs. Bond can mention that to the many of the kids need practice. They are going to work on a card for a Children's Hospital, which is one of the requirements of the card exchange.  I hope they make a huge one!  Maybe I can be a part of it too!  Anyways, it should be fun to see all of the cards come in!  

Loving the Learning in Team Bond,

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